Research activities

Condensed Matter and Biophysics

Condensed Matter Theory

The activity of the condensed matter theory group is the understanding of the physical and  chemical properties of molecules, materials and disordered systems. We focus on 2D and quantum materials, charge density waves, superconductivity and on problems related to the electron-phonon interaction and anharmonicity. A fingerprint of our work is the development of innovative theoretical and computational approaches to understand complex spectroscopies and ultrafast phenomena. Our field of research is highly interdisciplinary and encompasses very broad length (from the subnano to the micro) and time (above the femtoseconds) scales.

Statistical and Biological Physics

In the Statistical and Biological Physics (SBP) group we investigate classical and quantum aspects of complex systems, both in and out of thermal equilibrium with an emphasis on biological and biomimetic macromolecular systems. Ongoing research projects include advancing theoretical and computational frameworks, taking advantage of modern developments in machine-learning algorithms, data mining and high-performance computing, as well as conducting phenomenological investigations, in close connection with experimental colleagues.

Nuclei, Particles and Gravitation

Gravitation and Cosmology

The research of the Gravitation and Cosmology group is devoted to the theory of fundamental interactions with a particular attention to the physics of black holes and to theoretical cosmology. Our work is firmly grounded on the theory of general relativity and quantum field theory. Among our aims there is the understanding of the physical nature of singularities and the nature of dark energy and inflation.

Nuclear Theory

The research activity of the nuclear theory group is focused on ab-initio approaches for the description of both nuclear structure and reactions. In particular, we develop few-body techniques for the description of electro(weak) reactions, Monte Carlo methods to study the properties of neutron star matter, tensor network methods to study collective neutrino oscillations and design quantum algorithms to take advantage of current and near term quantum computers.

Relativistic and Nuclear Astrophysics

In the group of Relativistic and Nuclear Astrophysics we investigate some of the most extreme events in the Universe, like the mergers of neutron stars and black holes, or the gravitational collapse of massive stars. This research lies at the interface between several disciplines, including general relativity, nuclear and particle physics, fluid dynamics, and high energy astrophysics. Bridging sophisticated numerical simulations with astrophysical observations in multiple messengers, this effort is at the forefront of contemporary research.

Quantum Gases and Quantum Information

The Ultracold Gases and Quantum Information group explores the physics of superfluids of bosons, fermions and their mixtures, out-of-equilibrium dynamics, open quantum systems, synthetic quantum systems with atoms and photons, their simulation using quantum Monte Carlo and tensor networks, and their use for novel quantum technologies. This research is highly cross-disciplinary, spanning atomic physics, statistical and many-body physics, quantum optics, and quantum information. We are embedded in the BEC Center, whose goal is to strengthen the synergy between cutting-edge theoretical and experimental research.

Group members

Head Massimiliano Rinaldi
Professors Matteo Calandra BuonauraFranco DalfovoStefano Giorgini, Philipp HaukeGianluca LattanziFrancesco PederivaAlbino PeregoRaffaello PotestioMassimiliano Rinaldi, Alessandro RoggeroMauro SpreaficoLuca Tubiana
Researchers Pier Luigi CudazzoGiovanni MariniRoberto Menichetti, Sunny Vagnozzi
Postdocs Soumik BandyopadhyayAlessio Bartocci, Davide BreoniMarco Calzà, Chiara Capecci, Federico Maria GuercilenaVivek Kashyap,  Leela Ganesh Chandra Lakkaraju, Andrea LegramandiJosu Diego López, Lorenzo Petrolli, Simony Santos Da CostaAlberto Tabarelli De FatisNaga Dileep Varikouti, Matteo Michele Wauters, Guanwen Yuan
PhD students Edoardo Ballini, Giulio BordieriAlberto Bottarelli, Pietro Nicolò Brangi, Francesco CarnovaleChiara Cecchini, Iyadh ChakerLeonardo ChiesaAndrea CorradiniNiccolò DamianAndrea Di DonnaMatteo FurciSreeparna GangulyGuglielmo GrilloSalvatore LubretoFrancesca MartiniMargherita Mele, Manuel MicheloniStefano MocattiSebastian NagiesGiovanni Novi Inverardi, Pietro Oreglia, David Pascual Solis, Veronica PanizzaCostanza Paternoster, Alessia Guadagnin PattaroDavide Pedrotti, Saba RaniGopal Chandra SantraMarija SindikOtto SchmidtLuca Spagnoli, Camilla Spreti, Luca VespucciGiulio VolpatoAlex WindeyTomasz Zawislak
Collaborators Carlos Leonardo Benavides Riveros, Alberto Biella (CNR-INO), Valentina Braito (INAF), Iacopo Carusotto (CNR-INO), Christian Johansen, Winfried Leidemann (Professore Senior), Giovanni Marini (IIT), Stephanie Matern, Chiara Menotti (CNR-INO), Giuseppina Orlandini (Professore Senior), Sukla Pal, Gianluca Rastelli (CNR-INO), Alessio Recati (CNR-INO), Sandro Stringari (Professore Emeritus), Marco Traini (Professore Senior), Luciano Vanzo (Professore Senior), Sergio Zerbini
Administrative staff Aureliano CerretiSara Rebecchi