application/pdfFlyer emergency procedures_EN(PDF | 167 KB)
Entrance Forms
Entrance Forms
application/pdfGuidelines_Didactic Lab_ LDSS_EN(PDF | 201 KB)
application/pdfLASER_safety procedures_LDSS(PDF | 111 KB)

Forms for access to Physics Department and Laboratories


The students that are writing the final thesis (Laureandi) and want to enter the Povo Zero's Laboratories (also for theoretical physics) have to ask for the Entrance authorization; they have to fill in the forms in the dowload box and bring them to the Secretariat of the Department of Physics at least one week before starting the activity in the Laboratories
- Authorization form for the entrance in the laboratories (laureandi)
- Modulo consegna DPI (only in italian)
- Risk Identification form


External people have to ask for authorization in order to enter the laboratories and technical services of the Physics Department. They have to fill in the following forms and and bring them to the Secretariat of the Department of Physics at least one week before starting the activity in the Laboratories 
- Authorization form for the entrance in the laboratories (guests)
- Modulo consegna DPI (only in italian)
- Risk Identification form

Didactic Laboratories

Students and PhD studentswho want to work autonomously in the didactic laboratories have to ask for authorization with the proper entrance form.
Guests can also use didactic laboratories, under the authorization of Department’s Director.
In the download box are available:
- Entrance forms
- Guidelines for didactic laboratories

Emergency procedures Povo Zero Building

Povo Zero building hosts the Departments of Physics and Mathematics.

Opening hours of Povo Zero building
Monday - Friday: 7.30 am – 8.00 pm
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays: only authorized

Emergency staff:

Head of the Builing management – Science: ing. Mirella Ponte
The flyer with the emergency procedures of Povo Zero building is available in the download box.



According to the italian law the Employer is the Rector. He is responsible for the Health and Safety issues
Other people involved in the Health and safety management are:
- Rector's delegate for safety in the workplace: prof. Riccardo Ceccato
- Prevention and Protection Service (SPP)
- Health and Safety Representatives (RLS)  


The Department’s Director is responsible for the health and safety management in the department. He appointed the Local Coordinator for Safety (Addetto Locale alla Sicurezza) prof.ssa  Ines Mancini.
The ALS coordinates a group composed of: Prof. Luca Matteo Martini, Ing. Roberto Graziola, Ing. Mattia Zomer, Dott. Mauro Hueller, Dott. Michele Bommassar.
The Physics Department is divided into Research Groups, Technical services and didactic laboratories. Each unit has one Laboratory responsible and some Activity responsibles.

Education and training

Information on health and safety education and training initiatives is available on Formazione in materia di Salute e Sicurezza in laboratorio.

Law and regulation

Only in italian

Testo Unico Salute e Sicurezza (d.lgs. 81/2008 – fonte Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali) 
Regolamento di Ateneo in materia di Salute e Sicurezza sul lavoro - Emanato con D.R. n. 574 del 5 ottobre 2017