- Adige BLM proposta tirocinio simulazione numerica (PDF | 166 KB)
- Danfoss Drives (PDF | 134 KB)
- Optoi Srl (PDF | 742 KB)
- Proposta tesi GES (PDF | 1 MB)
- LeMur-Proposte Tirocinio/Ricerca Tesi LT e LM (PDF | 363 KB)
- TIFPA Proposte Ricerca Tesi Laurea Magistrale (PDF | 141 KB)
- TIFPA Proposte Tirocinio-Ricrca Tesi Laurea Triennale (PDF | 155 KB)
Students who want to do an Internship should read the Department's Regulation, available in the download box.
In order to activate the internship an to have further information please contact Job Guidance.
Reference professor for Internship: dott. Sebastiano Mariazzi.
Research period in external institutions
Master's students who want to spend a research period (not recognised as internship) in an external institution in Italy have to ask the Secretariat of the Physics Department to activate the insurance policy.
One week before the student has to bring to the secretariat:
- support letter of the supervisor (fac-simile)
- acceptance letter of the hosting institution (fac-simile)
- brief description of the research project (one page, free format)
For research periods at the "Protonterapia" please write to the Departmental Secretariat, at least one month before starting the period.
For research periods aborad please refer to Mobility Office (mobility-st [at] unitn.it) and see the dedicated webpage.
Useful links
Opportunità di ricerca per tesi all'estero
Internship opportunities
Information available in the download box. Before sending the application, please contact prof.ssa daniela.ascenzi [at] unitn.it (Daniela Ascenzi).
Master's thesis research proposals:
- Green Energy Storage
Job opportunities:
- Optoi S.r.l.